# Event Sign In
# Author: Kai Wetlesen
# Event Sign In originally started life as a fast
# hack to allow me to sign in upwards of 100 people
# to an event being hosted by a school club I am a
# part of. The idea is that this application will 
# be useful for clubs and/or school organizations
# that host events wherein a student can earn 
# course credit for attending. This helps cut down
# on attendance fraud and keep the event hosts in
# determining just how successful their event was
# and also determine what classes everyone came
# from. It's a simple CGI form that does a pull 
# from a database, then inserts some matched data
# back in.
# The application is mostly customizable, and can
# be adapted for use in a corporate environment 
# with some minor tweaks (naturally supplanting
# classes with departments/teams). Several parts
# of the application can be adjusted from a 
# separate config file, which should be located
# in the cgi directory under conf/signin.conf
# This CGI application is licensed under LGPL v3.0
# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html

use strict;

use CGI::Pretty qw(:standard);
use DBI;
use DBD::mysql;
use Time::Local;
$CGI::POST_MAX = 2048;

# We need to start by creating a CGI page object
# I just so happen to call it rq to stand for 
# ReQuested page.
my $rq = CGI->new;

# Naturally this prints an HTML header
print $rq->header( {-charset=>'utf-8'} );

my $fn = "0"; #first name
my $ln = "0"; #last name
my $em = "0"; #email
my $ae = "0"; #alt email
my $fullname;

my %cfg;
my ( $cfgkey, $cfgval );

open CONF, "<conf/signin.conf" or Die("Could not open configuration file. $!");
while ( <CONF> )
	next if /^\s*#/ or /^\s*$/;
	( $cfgkey, $cfgval ) = split /:/;
	$cfgkey =~ s/^\s*//;
	$cfgval =~ s/^\s*//;
	$cfg{$cfgkey} = $cfgval;

# Check thru the configuration and make sure everything is set correctly
my $eventName = $cfg{"EventName"} or Die("Could not get event name. $!");
my $css = $cfg{"CSS"} or Die("No CSS style sheet configured. $!");
my $returnToURL = $cfg{"ReturnToURL"} or Die("Return to URL not specified. $!");

Die("No database specified in configuration file.\n") if !defined $cfg{"Database"};
Die("No database server specified in configuration file.\n") if !defined $cfg{"Server"};
Die("Credentials not found in configuration file.\n") if !defined $cfg{"Username"};
Die("Credentials not found in configuration file.\n") if !defined $cfg{"Password"};

# I perform the connection attempt here because
# this script is dead in the water should the
# connection fail to happen.
my $dbname = $cfg{"Database"};
my $server = $cfg{"Server"};
my $usernm = $cfg{"Username"};
my $passwd = $cfg{"Password"};
my $db = DBI->connect( "dbi:mysql:$dbname:$server:3306", $usernm, $passwd ) or Die("DB connect failed! $DBI::errstr");

# As closing time is optional, this isn't rigorously checked
my ( $graceTime, $offMin, $offHr, $offDay, $offMon, $offYear );
if ( defined $cfg{"RegClose"} )
	( $offMon, $offDay, $offYear, $offHr, $offMin ) = split /\s+/,$cfg{"RegClose"};
	# Default the grace time to 15 seconds if it's not given so that 
	# people have X number of seconds to register after the clock turns over
	$graceTime = defined $cfg{"GraceTime"} ? $cfg{"GraceTime"} : 15;

	$cfg{"RegClose"} = timelocal( $graceTime, $offMin, $offHr, $offDay, ($offMon-1), $offYear );

# Start off the header and load in the stylesheet
print $rq->start_html(-title => "$eventName - Sign-in",
		-style => {
			-src => $cfg{"CSS"},
			-type => 'text/css',
			-media => 'screen' },
		-class=>'Body' );

print	$rq->div( { class=>'Title' }, $eventName );

if ( defined $cfg{"RegClose"} and time() > $cfg{"RegClose"} )
# Again, check to see if close time is defined, because maybe the 
# registration is always open! That'd be weird, but it's possible
	print	$rq->p( { class=>'subTitle centered' }, "Registration Closed" );
	print   $rq->p( {id=>'form_instructions'}, 
		"Registration for this event has closed. If you still need to register
		for this event, please speak with the event staff." );

	print	$rq->p( { class=>'centered' }, TimeString($cfg{"RegClose"} ) );
elsif ( $ENV{ 'REQUEST_METHOD' } eq "POST" ) # Process posted data
	# the Check functions return "error" which is the name of a css class that does
	# error highlighting. They return "0" (css class name?) if everything is okay
	# Obviously if the parameter is undef, give it nothing to check.
	# Each two-letter variable in this if segment represents the class with which
	# the given form item will be displayed. It's also used for basic error checking.
	$fn = checkName( $rq->param( "firstName" ) );
	$ln = checkName( $rq->param( "lastName" ) );
	$em = checkEmail( $rq->param( "email" ) );
	$ae = $rq->param( "altemail" ) ? checkEmail( $rq->param( "altemail" ) ) : "0";
	# NOTE: None of these functions can be used unless there is a POST event
	# i.e. there has been data placed into the form and sent over.

	# Check to see if the previous functions found any errors in the inputs
	if ( $fn or $ln or $em or $ae )
		PrintPageWithHighlightedErrors( $rq, $db, $fn, $ln, $em, $ae );
	# Are they already registered? We want to prevent double registration.
	elsif ( !($fullname = checkIfRegistered($rq->param("firstName")." ".$rq->param("lastName"), $db) ) )
		PrintAlreadyRegistered( $rq, $eventName, $returnToURL );
	else # No errors were found. Register the user and give them a nice confirmation
		RegisterPerson( $rq, $db, $fullname, $returnToURL );
else # No data was posted. Print a form for the user to post some data with.
	print	$rq->div( { class=>'subTitle' }, "Sign In" );
	print	$rq->p( { id=>'form_instructions' },
		"Please sign in to attend $eventName.
		Fields marked with asterisks are <em>mandatory</em>.<br />
		Registration closes on ", TimeString( $cfg{"RegClose"} )."!"
	PrintForm( $rq, $db, $fn, $ln, $em, $ae );

# Being of course that this form generates valid HTML,
# show it off!
print $rq->p( {class=>"centered"},
	$rq->a( {href=>"http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer"},
		$rq->img( {src=>"http://www.w3.org/Icons/valid-xhtml10-blue",
			   alt=>"Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional",

print $rq->end_html();

# This subroutine will print some cohesive error messages above the
# form so that users aren't left scratching their heads over why
# some particular form element was suddenly highlighted in red. Really
# though, they shouldn't be such dunces about it and just figure it 
# out, but I'm not the BOFH
# Don't know what BOFH is? Google search it you idiot and stop reading
# my code. You aren't worthy.
# Receives: Page object, DB object, CSS errors
# Returns:  Nothing. All data printed to page.
sub PrintPageWithHighlightedErrors
	my ( $rq, $db, $fn, $ln, $em, $ae ) = @_;

	print	$rq->div( { class=>'subTitle' }, "Invalid Entry!" ),
		$rq->p( { id=>'form_instructions' },
		"There were errors found in your entry. They are highlighted in
		red below. Correct these errors before submitting."

	# The following three Ifs take any possible error and print an
	# error description above so people know what to fix.
	if ( $fn )
	{ print $rq->div( {class=>"centered"}, "Invalid first name." ) }

	if ( $fn or $ln )
	{ print $rq->div( {class=>"centered"}, "Invalid last name." ) }

	if ( $em or $ae )
	{ print $rq->div( {class=>"centered"}, "Invalid email address. Emails must be in the correct format." ) }

	print $rq->br();

	# Of course we'll want to reprint the form with each
	# erroneous field highlighted.
	PrintForm( $rq, $db, $fn, $ln, $em, $ae );


# Obviously you don't want the same person to register and
# re-register over and over again. This would cloud up the
# database. This function does NOT actually do the check, 
# see checkIfRegistered. This function prints a full-formatted
# message saying the person has already registered, then 
# returns to a given URL
# Receives: Page object, return URL, event name
# Returns:  Nothing, all printed to the page
sub PrintAlreadyRegistered
	my ( $rq, $eventName, $returnToURL ) = @_;

	# I think the following two prints are fairly self-evident
	print	$rq->div( { class=>'subTitle' }, "Already Signed In!" );

	print   $rq->p( {id=>'form_instructions'}, 
		"You  have already signed in for $eventName. If you
		have received this message in error, please speak with the attendant." );
	# Just prints the current time, that's all
	print	$rq->p( { class=>'centered' }, TimeString(time) );
	# Create a small Javascript redirect and send user back to the given return URL
	# returnToURL set in config file
	print 	"<script type=\"text/JavaScript\">
			setTimeout(\"location.href = '$returnToURL';\",4600);

# Obviously we need to enter some data into a database in order
# for this application to successfully complete its task. This
# completes that task. It simply interfaces with a given MySQL
# database and enters the queries with values in directly.
# Receives: Page object, DB object, formatted full name, return URL
# Returns:  Nothing, function will die out here if there's an error.
# Note: All the data EXCEPT THE NAME is passed down thru the page object.
#       Why? I'm lazy, and the name was already checked and formatted.
# Also note: This function will die out if any of the SQL inserts fail, 
#            which opens up the possiblility for a corruption. Keep a
#            CLOSE EYE on all error messages that come up, but really
#            if any one of the SQL statements fails you're boned anyway.
sub RegisterPerson
	my ( $rq, $db, $fullname, $returnToURL ) = @_;
	my $email = $rq->param( "email" );
	my $altemail = $rq->param( "altemail" );

	# Insert the student information first then retrieve autogen'ed studentID for use
	# in the next row insertion.
	my $sql = "INSERT INTO students ( name, email, altemail ) VALUES ( \"$fullname\", \"$email\", \"$altemail\" )";
	my $newrequest = $db->prepare( $sql );
	$newrequest->execute() or Die("Query failed. $DBI::errstr");

	# Gets the studentID
	$sql = "SELECT studentID FROM students WHERE name=\"$fullname\"";
	$newrequest = $db->prepare( $sql );
	$newrequest->execute() or Die("Query failed. $DBI::errstr");

	my $res = $newrequest->fetchrow_arrayref();
	my $studentID = $res->[0];

	$sql = "SELECT classID FROM classes";
	$newrequest = $db->prepare ( $sql );
	$newrequest->execute() or Die("Query failed. $DBI::errstr");
	my @results = @{$newrequest->fetchall_arrayref};
	foreach ( @results )
		if ( $rq->param("Class$_->[0]") )
			$sql = "INSERT INTO students_and_classes ( classID, studentID ) VALUES ( $_->[0], $studentID )";
			$newrequest = $db->prepare( $sql );
			$newrequest->execute() or Die("Query failed. $DBI::errstr");

	print	$rq->div( { class=>'subTitle' }, "Registration Complete" );
	print   $rq->p( {id=>'form_instructions'}, 
		"Thank you ".$rq->param('firstName').". We will send you a follow-up survey in the next
		few days. <br /><br />We hope you enjoy the event!" );

	print 	"<script type=\"text/JavaScript\">
			setTimeout(\"location.href = '$returnToURL';\",3000);

# The PrintForm function depends on a few variables to 
# be created prior to operation. It's primary task is 
# to generate the form wherein the user will fill in 
# their information to put into the database. In this
# application, that consists of their name, email, and
# also any classes they are taking.
# PrintForm also takes a set of CSS flags which are
# used to do the coloured error highlighting. These CSS
# flags should be set based according to your stylesheet
# but in my application the value "error" will pull up
# CSS class error, where OK will just match a null CSS
# class
# Input:  CGI page object, DB connection object, CSS flags
# Output: None. All form output printed directly to HTML page.
sub PrintForm
	my ($rq, $db, $fn, $ln, $em, $ae ) = @_;

	my $form = $rq->Vars;
	my $firstName = $form->{ "firstName" };
	my $lastName  = $form->{ "lastName" };
	my $email     = $form->{ "email" };
	my $altemail  = $form->{ "altemail" };
	my $className = $form->{ "classname" };

	# Naturally we want to retain values between page loads should
	# the user screw up (which is almost guaranteed to happen.
	$rq->param( $firstName, $lastName,  $email, $altemail, $className );

	print $rq->startform ( "POST", $rq->url(), "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" );

	print $rq->table ( {-class=>'center_justified'},
		$rq->Tr (
			$rq->td( {class=>$fn}, "First Name:" ), 
			$rq->td( $rq->textfield('firstName'), "*" )
		$rq->Tr (
			$rq->td( {class=>$ln}, "Last Name:" ), 
			$rq->td( $rq->textfield('lastName'), "*" )
		$rq->Tr (
			$rq->td( $rq->br() ), $rq->td( " " )
		$rq->Tr (
			$rq->td( {class=>$em}, "Email address:" ), 
			$rq->td( $rq->textfield('email'), "*" )
		$rq->Tr (
			$rq->td( {class=>$ae}, "Alternate email:" ), 
			$rq->td( $rq->textfield('altemail') )
	print	$rq->table ( {class=>'center_justified'},
		$rq->Tr (
			$rq->td( {colspan=>3}, $rq->br() ), 
		$rq->Tr (
				$rq->td( {colspan=>3}, "Please select any classes you are
						taking from the checkboxes below:" )

	print	$rq->table ( {class=>'center_justified'},
		$rq->Tr (
			$rq->td( {colspan=>3}, $rq->br() ), 
		$rq->Tr (
			$rq->td( {colspan=>'2', class=>'centered'} , $rq->submit("Register") ),
			$rq->td( {colspan=>'2', class=>'centered'} , $rq->reset("Clear Form") )
		$rq->Tr (
			$rq->td( $rq->br() ),
			$rq->td( " " )
	print $rq->endform();


# Takes in a time value and then returns a formatted
# and printable timestring that can be printed to the
# user
# Input:  Time Value
# Output: Formatted date and time string
sub TimeString
	my $Time = shift;
	my ( $min, $hr, $day, $mon, $year, $wday ) = (localtime($Time))[1..6];
	my $ampm;
	my @months = qw( January February March April May June July August September October November December );
	my @days = qw( Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday );

	$ampm = $hr>12 ? "PM" : "AM";
	$hr += $hr>12 ? -12 : 0;
	$min = $min<10 ? "0$min" : "$min";
	$year += 1900;

	return "$days[$wday] $months[$mon] $day $year $hr:$min $ampm";
	#print	$rq->p( { class=>'centered' }, "$days[$wday] $months[$mon] $day $year $hour:$min $ampm" );

# Checks to see if the particular person has already
# signed in or not. Obviously we don't want the same 
# person to register over and over again. Such would 
# cloud up the database. Function will format name
# to match database. This return value should be used
# to enter into the database. Just sayin!
# Input: First and last name.
# Output: Formatted name to input into database
# 	  Undefined if the name already exists
sub checkIfRegistered
	my ( $name, $db ) = @_;
	my ( $fullname, $sql, $newrequest, $res );
	$name =~ s/^\s*//;

	# I opted for a list here as people can have multiple 
	# words in their name as well, like "Taylor Harper"
	# or "Mac Lane" for example. As is evident, every name 
	# will be inputted into the database as upper-case.
	# Quite common convention really.

	$fullname = join " ", ( map{ uc $_ } split /\s+/, $name );

	$sql = "SELECT name FROM students WHERE name=\"$fullname\"";
	$newrequest = $db->prepare( $sql );
	$newrequest->execute() or Die("DB connect failed! $DBI::errstr");

	$res = $newrequest->fetchrow_arrayref();
	$name = $res->[0];

	# If we picked a name out of the result set
	# then they have already registered haven't
	# they? :D
	return $name ? "" : $fullname;

sub checkName
	my ( $name ) = shift;
	return "error" if $name !~ /^[- a-zA-Z]+$/ or $name =~ /^\s*$/;
	return 0;

sub checkEmail
	my ( $email ) = shift;
	return "error" if $email !~ /^[^@]+\@[^@]+\..+$/;
	return 0;

sub getClassList
	my $db = shift;
	my %classlist;
	my %labels;
	my @cell_elems;
	my @row_elems;
	my @form_elems;
	my @niceClass;
	my ( $instructor, $classID, $classname, $count );

	my $sql = "SELECT classID, classname, instructor from classes";
	my $classQuery = $db->prepare( $sql );
	$classQuery->execute() or Die("Query execution failed\n$DBI::errstr");

	foreach ( @{$classQuery->fetchall_arrayref()} )
		$classlist{$_->[2]}{$_->[0]} = $_->[1];
	#$_->[0] is holding classID, $_->[1] holds classname, and $_->[2] holds instructor;
	foreach $instructor ( sort byInstructorLnFn keys %classlist )

		push @cell_elems, $rq->h4( "$instructor" );
		foreach $classID ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$classlist{$instructor}} )
			@niceClass = split /\-/, $classlist{$instructor}{$classID};
			push @cell_elems,
				$rq->checkbox( -name=>"Class$classID",
		push @row_elems, $rq->td( {class=>'center_justified',style=>"padding: 10px 30px; vertical-align: top;"}, @cell_elems );	

		@cell_elems = ();

		if ( !($count % 3) ){ push @form_elems, $rq->Tr( @row_elems ); @row_elems = (); }

	if ( @row_elems ) { push @form_elems, $rq->Tr( @row_elems ); @row_elems = (); }

	return @form_elems;

sub byInstructorLnFn
	$a =~s/^\s*//;
	$b =~s/^\s*//;
	my ( $firstNameA, $lastNameA ) = split/\s+/, $a;
	my ( $firstNameB, $lastNameB ) = split/\s+/, $b;
	$lastNameA cmp $lastNameB
	$firstNameA cmp $firstNameB;

sub Die
	my $err = shift;
	print $err . "<br />Check program configuration file or contact the operator.";
	# All error logs are going to come to this line. Do an error search with the error msg you got. :)
	die $err;